Tuesday, September 21, 2021

How To Become Financially Fearless

Eliminate your financial fears with these practices. Stop living your life in fear. You can become financially fearless with these 6 simple tips and with some boost from our affordable employee loan programs. 


Since the 1950s, the world has experienced four recessions —five if we include the recession brought about by the pandemic. Recessions usually leave families in uncertainty, and creates a culture of fear surrounding their finances. Today, many adults live their lives in fear financially. Follow these tips to achieve not just financial stability, but financial confidence.

6 Tips For Becoming Financially Fearless

The key to becoming financially fearless is having confidence in your assets, which you can achieve through these practices.


1. Stick To A Budget

The first step toward financial fearlessness is becoming disciplined with your spending. Keep your daily expenses in check by avoiding impulsive spending. If you can maintain a low monthly expense, you will have more to allot for your savings and other activities toward financial fearlessness.


2. Manage Your Debt

Are multiple small debts eating up most of your income? Debt consolidation is one efficient way to manage your various types of debt. With debt consolidation, you pool all your loans and pay them by getting a new affordable loan. You essentially replace multiple loans with just one loan. Don’t apply for a high-interest loan, consolidate your debt through Access Loans’ affordable employee loan program. 


3. Use Credit Cards Wisely

Credit cards are useful for certain instances, but credit card debt can easily pile up when not managed. If you have a habit of buying more than you can afford, you will be paying more than twice the amount you bought. You can consolidate your credit card debt as well, and start using your credit wisely.


4. Invest In Another Income Source 

Investment is another way to generate money in addition to your regular source of income. If you have extra funds, don’t let them sit in the bank—invest them in a high-interest bank account or something similar. Alternatively, you could invest in a business that could bring in extra income that you can, in turn, invest further.


5. Get Insured

Insurance protects you from various expenses, such as accidents, natural disasters, and various lawsuits. Insurance helps you cover expensive damages, so you don’t need to get a new loan or sell other assets you own. Knowing you have insurance to rely on will allow you to live and spend more freely.


6. Start A Retirement Plan

Retirement is something everyone should prepare for. To do so, however, does not mean you should hoard every penny. Invest in tax-advantaged or high-interest accounts like 401(k) or Roth IRAs that will ensure you have funds when you grow old. Investing in a retirement plan will help ease your mind about your financial future.


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* ACCESS LOANS™ products are funded and serviced by Safra National Bank of New York (“SNBNY”).


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